Updated brand identity – IDF is getting off to a fresh start in 2021

The industry pioneer IDF is now available in a fresh, light, and bluish design. The focus is on the new main colors blue and green. The color white serves as a pleasant contrast.

The shape of the well-known IDF GmbH & Co. KG logo remains unchanged, only the previous gray now shines in the new blue. The “icing on the cake”, the cake being the letter “I” became green in order to highlight IDF’s strong focus on sustainability. Thanks to the expansion of its solar systems, IDF manages to be almost completely self-sufficient with energy.

This website is one of the most significant innovations. The main presence of the IDF brand on the internet has been completely redesigned. It now offers a comprehensive overview of IDF’s products and the company. In addition to that, IDF’s industry expertise is presented through a comprehensive amount of knowledge and materials on the subject of containment. IDF even implemented a a containment glossary in German, English and French.

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Containment Conditionnement Reach

What does Containment mean?

In the context of the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries, one speaks of containment when it comes to the “containment” of certain substances. This containment


„Wer suchet, der findet."

"He who seeks finds."

Rheinplast Logo

The containment liner division of IDF GmbH & Co. KG now belongs to RHEIN-PLAST GmbH / Ringmetall AG.